Monday, April 21, 2014

around the place

 there are reddish rocks here
and in spring especially these little bits
of potsdam sandstone
show up.
i think the road crews 
fill up at the local sand pits
and some of them 
 have a bunch of this stuff.
i like it.
i like the layers.
 and i like holding them in my hand as i walk.
 it's a leftover pumpkin 
and prints on old pages
 old pages, latin.

and contact print over pressure print
lichen under and on cotton under plants.
i've been having a conversation with my friend catherine.
 work here 
and at the new place continues.
i love
the honorable nature of work clothing.


  1. the printing over old pages is very interesting. great post, I've been rearranging the rock garden, giving some of them a scrub and a chat - rocks in my head, too?

  2. speaking of work clothing - Denham the Jeanmaker have just released the most splendid apron with a squillion pockets!

  3. jean, finding good strong old paper is a challenge, though--must be pre 1850 or very special post. aren't rocks supposed to be in our heads???
    india, better than yours???

  4. OH! that rock! i saw something similar but different colored yesterday while doing yardwork (or witnessing it...ha!). now i think of you, all those rocks. the prints on pages are BRILLIANT.

  5. It's not often I find stripy rocks but I do love them.

  6. aimee, the sandstone is often solid "red" but when the stripes occur i am happy, prints coming along
    robyn, i had a reminder that they are sedimentary rocks…and of course he was right.


be in touch!

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