Saturday, November 21, 2015

long view

 vertigo for me
i hate towers and bridges,
and this one here is totally see through steel mesh.
yet i persevered.
  i could see for miles
 and miles
 and miles
 and miles
 and miles
 and miles
 and miles. here
from the road to the new place i call home
 where this big one
 greets me as the sun
goes down.
 inside i examine
a woodcock
 a strange bird
that i learned
 when i fist came to the north country.
his call is odd,
his eyes way up high
his body awkward
and yet he flies here in spring and was, until a couple of days ago
still found here.
this one will be a meal.
i must get used to having fresh fowl around
as well as fresh vegetables,
and my favorites, 
the wild berries.


  1. a glorious view - thank you for persevering and showing it to us

  2. You were reward for your bravery V - what a vast horizon...and then those close up moments as well. It is looking lovely - we are sweltering!

  3. lee, i can't help myself!
    fiona, yes, i wasn't brave though, i almost crawl up the thing!

  4. Hi V - I agree with F - it was worth creeping up that tower - often so good to be able to look down on or across the landscape. Go well. B


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