Friday, November 10, 2017

paper trials

i love it when art is on the walls
at school.
 my failed batch of 3 linen shirts.
i need to understand indigo better.
i used it from 2 sources, one more successful than the other
but still, 
i have much to learn.
 making sheets with the business card size moulds is a fun tedium
and makes nifty calling cards.
 i used all of my indigo.
every bit 
of blue dust. 
 we took our students to visit the archives and special collections.
they were entranced the entire time.

 melissa schulengurg looking at my book november song
 they particularly loved janus press books

 this morning, 18 degrees and a little crunchy snow
 the roofing waits until next week.
winter comes.


  1. Sorry about the indigo, sometimes happy accidents, sometimes not although your resourcefulness will find a use no doubt. No snow but 32F and windy, winter comes is right. Your just that much further north. Art on the walls looked intriguing. xox

  2. corrine, i'm learning and it's ok. it's good to not be too much of an expert, ha!

  3. Your school is super gorgeous. Love seeing you in a teaching way...and you are so need to be an expert, just open enough to try. Best teachers I ever had were the kind that brought us in to the process. Your Indigo may be a failure by some standards but it looks good to me.

  4. michelle, i'm co-teaching this class and feel that we both bring complimentary skill sets to this class. it's been a really fine autumn. the indigo, well, i have lots to learn.

  5. looks like a very appreciative group how cool.
    we had a dusting in the nearby range and the big ones are more than dusted.

  6. I wonder if we ever stop learning about indigo, there are so many variables.

  7. neki, they are a great group, truly. you have snow nearby!
    jean, i know about a rice seed amount about indigo. or maybe a flax seed!

  8. Art on the walls makes schools feel alive, it changes everything.

  9. Loving the little calling cards V and the way the group seem totally absorbed, with eyes of wonder and exploration and good!


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