Thursday, January 24, 2013


in 1999 i attended my first pbi,
the paper and book intensive,
(actually only half of the session)
i took a marvelous class with
whose website i found via aimee lee.
mary ann knows books, fiber, paper, wool.
and animals.
(and probably a few other things, too!)
mary ann pushed me in some directions
but the main thing was the concept
of book/paper/textile being all of a piece
all related, all connected.
above are some of the pieces i made
with her or after her workshop
with her inspiration.


  1. i think my mind would have been COMPLETELY blown to have not only pbi, but mary ann's class!! thank YOU for sharing your bobbin winder story, which led to the online snooping for more about mary ann. so happy with what we've discovered.

  2. aimee, that was it exactly! yay for YOU!

  3. I'm drawn to the book. Now off to follow the link.

  4. V-wherte would we be without the inspiration of other artists - they often just tip us in the right direction. B

  5. robyn, enjoy!
    barry, you are SO right


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