Monday, December 23, 2013

what day is it?

electricity is back on,
two nights without
 trees, well it was raining trees.
the big white pine in the back yard
is very very trimmed.
one fell in a neighbor's woods,
a flock of blue jays relocated.
i hauled the big branches from the driveway.
wonder if/when a vehicle will
come inice.


  1. thank you for sharing the beauty Velma! I love sitting here in shorts and a singlet just before dawn after a very hot night seeing all the beautiful cold! I hope the roads will be safe soon for you & your family this silly season ice is beautiful but not for driving!

  2. mc, shorts? what are they? me, i've got silk long johns and my climbing pants and boots on, (took the crampons off for lunch).

  3. V - that is a lot of ice and snow - whilst it looks beautiful it also looks cold. Hope you have power back on and a nice warm fire going -.and hope you have a safe and happy holiday time. B

  4. barry, power and warmth tonight, which is good because the forecast is for COLD. but no more ice, phew!

  5. the pictures are stunning, but so cold. happy to hear you have power - and heat. When do you expect Hannah? is she stuck somewhere? stay safe.

  6. jean, almost all safe, and the house is warm!

  7. Whew velma...haven't stopped thinking of you up there since the storm. It may be cold, but it sure makes for some glorious images. Now I'[m wondering if friends over in Westfield suffered (though they have a back up generator) many critters to keep warm, including outdoor ones....and the old trees have suffered a lot of loss over the past years storms. I'll phone them tomorrow. Meanwhile, my wish for vehicles to arrive soon.

  8. Glad to know you are safe and well. Blessed trees! I grew up in SW Quebec (think 16 mi North of US Border at Trout River)...know whereof you speak. Blessings!!

  9. Brrr...These photos are gorgeous. I've never experienced weather like this, it must be something!

  10. Do hope you keep warm and snug Velma!
    White Xmas indeed... Never been anywhere like that ... Lots of love across the oceans miles all the way to yours!

  11. michelle, it is getting colder…sigh, but the power is still on and i am fine. i love wintertime but this ice is difficult.

  12. margaret, we are very close to your old home, 20 miles south of the st lawrence near akwasasne. the trees are strong, but so many are hurt.
    sophie, very white! love to you!
    nancy, it's something! but living here is worth it.

  13. Holy ice Batman! That's a lot you've got there. So happy to hear the power has been restored so you can stay nice and toasty. Hoping your Christmas is filled with joy and lots of warmth!

  14. jennifer, the same to you, far away and christmasing in the sun!


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