Sunday, December 20, 2009


moving toward solstice.

this time of year is a challenge for me, keeping my soul encouraged that the sun will begin to show up a few more and more minutes until i actually perceive lengthening days again. today's clear coldness was lovely before dark, and i went out back walking to fend off the dusk.

i was nourished by the frigid weather. there was so much lovely, thin sunlight, just leaving the meadow. back home hannah worked, my son ian won't make it back east this year. again.

i will write, i promise, soon about shifu. just now, i need to be facing the dark, welcoming the sun. i have one christmas present under the tree... a present to open on christmas morning. we will be celebrating small, smaller than usual, even. that's how it is. love and family and friends and dogs and snow.

if you look carefully, you will see a face, a promise, a miracle. maybe two. maybe more.


  1. I,too, wait the light....listen to voices over the wire. Miracles of voice but loss of something more tangible...Winter is rest before the light of spring...Soltice is the beginning of more...a New Year perhaps.

  2. During solstice celebrations, we did a cermony in which we asked the sun to return. In the past people were uncertain if the sun would return, í'm glad i'm living now, because i know i can trust the sun.
    i also long for more sunshine, but in the Netherlands the snow is now giving us lots of light, even at night.

  3. the promise of longer days comforts me all through winter

  4. i like that picture of the inside of the barn. the encouraging persistence of light as it squeezes through the cracks to break up the darkness.
    and i like that loom i see in the background.
    and the face, well, oh my.

  5. that loom is my current favorite, the one i'm weaving shifu on. except, of course, for the stump loom. actually, almost any loom becomes a favorite, if i'm weaving.


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