Sunday, January 3, 2010


this is the end of christmas break. back to work tomorrow. no new books. two in the works. 

these two little (less than 3" in any dimension) coptic bound books are not new, but are favorites of mine. they bring together many interests. the pages are all hand made papers, the top book has hosta paper and rust cloth pages, the bottom is a mix of hosta and dogbane. covers are rust and dyed cotton sheeting over davey board. commercial linen binding threads. the plant papers were gathered and processed here. the cotton was dyed outside one autumn. i had hoped to get into the paper mill over break.

and now it's snowing, has been for three days, and no end in sight. the north country.   


  1. like tiny delicious sandwiches... i think it is going to be cold and very wintry for a while.....

  2. i like it, only i don't like the shoveling piece. i have an eating paper story for you.

  3. exquisite little books, love them!

  4. i see rust beauties.
    frankly i don't envy the snow at all :)

  5. neki--still snowing. tired of shoveling, but it's poor man's fertilizer, you know. and i get to ski, yeah!

  6. These little books are just perfect!

  7. thank you. they are small and light and very organic in nature.


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