Sunday, November 28, 2010

william blake and duck

and here it is, my birthday. i enjoy it because it comes along around thanksgiving, sometimes on thanksgiving, but the thing is, it's all about reflecting and just being. perhaps i will not be being next november 28. perhaps i will be being longer, even much longer. who knows? this little book was made with my words, a calendar or a winter count. of sorts. by aimee, who also sent a package full of delights. 

 navigating this package was a great adventure.
inside the exquisite hanji and pina book

there was also a duck
and a picture of me at a cleaned up work table. making books with carol.
i'm 54 today. my mom was 41 when i was born. if i had been in her shoes (heels, of course) i would now have a thirteen year old. oh. my. god. instead i have wonderful kids in their twenties, a border collie, a passel of family and very fine friends. 
there is snow on the ground this overcast day.
on my porch, i slipped, almost wrecking my camera. but i didn't. 
life is very good.


  1. yay, yay, it's your birthday!! and the sun is out here so i hope so there. LOVE THE DUCK. and love you!

  2. have a happy day. hope you will be celebrating many more. i stopped counting when i was 18 and i'm now 68. the only one who cared that i didn't want to celebrate birthdays was my mom. she said she had a right to celebrate the day she gave birth to me.

  3. your mom was right!!!!! when my kids have their b'days i pretend it's their day, but i know it's all about me (he, he, he)

  4. Happy Birthday, Velma!!! No snow here today, but no sun either. Have a perfect day.

  5. ha! that big river keeps your weather, 30 miles away, so different. here, at altitude (!!!) we have and inch or two.

  6. A White Birthday! In November! What could be better than wearing shorts, making books with snow outside...Ha! Happy Birthday Velma

  7. i am singing happy birthday to you. right here out loud. and i am not whispering!

  8. YAY jude!
    and joei--carol took that pic one august when it was col enough for long sleeves, but not yet pants!

  9. Happy Birthday, and best wishes for a richly rewarding & creative year!
    (I am exactly, to the day, one month older than you!) :-)

  10. hApPy BiRtHdAy Velma. Lovely reflections, and what better to do than open a package of art?
    My Mom's birthday was around this time too, and would sometimes be on Thanksgiving, the date meandering holiday. A unique feature to your birthdays indeed.

  11. Happy birthday Velma! May you have a beautiful day and a magical year full of creating, loving and sharing all that you are!

  12. what a beautiful thanksgiving for your Mom, i hope you have a wonderful day. k.

  13. Happy birthday, Velma. And many,many more. Glad you and your camera are ok 'cause I love those pictures.

  14. happy birthday!!!!!

    (and you've just reminded me that when I hit the same target age I'll have not one but two teenagers to contend with...... g*r*e*a*t......)

  15. thanks everyone, the day is being perfect, a fine walk, moderately cold, a happy dog, good friends and family and a sweetie with fun stories, phone calls that make me happy...and some good books to read and enjoy.

  16. Happy, Happy Birthday! I'm a tad bit older than your mom was when she had you, I can not imagine!

  17. me either! living through my kids' issues while navigating menopause--the mind reels!

  18. Have a magical birthday, Velma!!! You are so special! xo Cait

  19. well happy birthday.
    very thankful i had my kids young.
    it's hard enough as it is.

  20. dear velma... the most happiest of birthdays to you... i'm late in the day but there is a surprise for you at my blog... a nice way i hope for you to end your day. may you have many more beautiful days to count.

  21. Happy Birthday Velma, I so much enjoy your blog.

  22. happy birthday!! love luck and sunshine for you.

  23. again, thanks everyone. you make me grin and keep me on my toes.and nance, i'm blushing!

  24. V-54 years - just a youngster really. Loved the look on Wendy's face - very quisical. May you have may more years of heath, happiness and creativity. B

  25. AND a duck! Happy Birthday!

    deb L

  26. Happy belated birthday Velma. I hope the coming year is a wonderful one for you.

  27. Happy belated, Velma! Mine was the 27th...and I turned 52. Good day.

  28. more thanks, everyone. i appreciate your good wishes. the 50s ROCK!


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