Thursday, July 7, 2011


...which i don't know: iPhoto tricks and usages. really.

and then this appears in the inbox:

"each woman has potential access to rio abajo rio, this river
beneath the river. she arrives there through deep meditation, dance,
writing, painting, prayer making, singing, drumming, active
imagination, or any activity which requires an intense altered
consciousness.  a woman arrives in this world-between worlds
through yearning and by seeking something she can see just out of the 
corner of her eye. she arrives there by deeply creative acts, through
intentional solitude, and by practice of any of the arts. and even with
these well-crafted practices, much of what occurs in this ineffable
world remains forever mysterious to us, for it breaks physical laws
and rational laws as we know them."
clarissa pinkola estes

is this not what it's all about?????
drat iPhoto, anyway.


  1. YES! That is EXACTLY what it is all about!!!!

  2. b, grin! and i conquered the iPhoto issue (thanks, a)

  3. The above image is beautiful, Velma. Estes' words are very encouraging.

  4. oh yes, I am on my knees. I had an extremely powerful session with a Japanese shaman/healer and come away KNOWING "the river runs through me"

  5. mmmm great and mysterious 'wild woman' essence in that last pic!

  6. ronnie, that's the old "cooling tank" from my milkhouse. spring fed and cooled, the plumbing long messed up, it has the most amazing, weird, mosquito producing life.

  7. it is. thank you for making me very calm fo a moment. or two.

  8. "Intentional solitude," caught me.

  9. remaining intentional in everything...


be in touch!

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