Wednesday, July 4, 2012

class two, day one

 my kind of sign
 the view from here (i'm at the head, 
or the foot i suppose, 
of the table)
 prepping lokta for spinning
 and they're off!
 the room quiets as 
 spinning begins
 lovely to see this
 as the skills build
 hands and eyes adapt
 this new skill
 though some use unorthodox methods,
 as they relax into the 
 peace of spindle spinning
 the work table
white on white
with a few green mats


  1. Do wish I was there but Queensland has had its compensations.

  2. such intense concentration - must be that they are truly involved in their work, which means they are having a good experience. it's over a 100 here - would mind a cool breeze (can you put some in the next post please...) cheers

  3. Everyone is so engaged and that's excellent. I envy you the people-in-one-place / name tag aspects! Oh, and the down under aspect as well :-).
    Good on you!

  4. I probably should know the answer to this from descriptions of this class but are these first time spinners? Or are they experienced spinners of other fibers? Just curious AND envious.


  5. What I love is that you are so in your element. Such full, engaged classes! So happy for you as the adventure continues on.

  6. 'Engaged' is truly the right word here. Velma (san) I don't know you but I feel so proud of you! Right on. The wheels are turning so smoothly in your class you can almost hear the music hum.

  7. penny, sure, but we'd love to have had you here
    henrietta, i can imagine how hot and trying it is. it's like october here.
    melissa, that's what happens when you're as name disabled as i am, i have helps!. also helps to be at the table most of the time.
    donna, some are total beginners, some not, but all totally new to paper spinning.
    aimee, you see it!
    bryan san, thank you for your kind words. it IS humming along beautifully.

  8. Thanks, Velma! I was hoping there would be hope for me to someday learn to spin paper even tho I've no experience spinning anything.


  9. donna, you're most welcome to come along for a class sometime and give it a go.


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