Wednesday, July 25, 2012

gifts and work

 nature has been generous with gifts
while i was reading on the porch
i noticed a movement
and a graceful, leggy visitor came along.
i was able to sneak off for the camera,
and caught her on the other side of the house.
this morning's visitor(s)
were NOT welcome
two little brown bats
playing tag in my bedroom.
up at 3:30, tending to bats.
not fun.
 i have been working
on silk and 
on cotton
 and when i need diversion
 i "knit"
the thing is well over a meter now.
and one more of nature's gifts:
a tiny warrior
who couldn't outrun a car.


  1. Gorgeous stitching and an elegant visitor (not the bats...) The rhythm of stitching is so meditative isn't it?

  2. oh the poor little creature (looks like something from the weasel family?) and bats around the bed? not good either! but the stitching and french knitting is divine!

  3. fiona, i haven't enjoyed stitching like this in ages
    india, they think i am the belfry
    ronnie, it was a short tailed weasel. i've seen two here before, in their winter ermine coats.

  4. OH, poor weasel... but other gifts - and stitching - are inspiring!

  5. my dad made me a knitty-noddy just like yours when i was a little girl. they now sell a little hand cranked one that makes that cord in seconds but not quite as meditative as doing it the old fashioned way.

  6. oops...not a knitty-noddy...but you know what i mean.

  7. valerie, yes, feisty one gone
    deanna, i was taught it was a knitty knotty, but french knitting sounds SO much more cool!

  8. I'm with India - time to build a belfry. love the knitted cord, stitch on...

  9. roz, inch by inch row by row
    jean, called the batman, he'll be here thursday. 25 years of invasions will end! i hope.

  10. Dear Velma...
    have just stolen time to lie in bed on waking before heading back to internet-less studio. Read a month of posts here ( i so apologise... like a wonderful book filled with juicy bits and fascinating tangents, I drank it all in.
    WOW... looked wonderful in Melbourne. So many exciting things I saw... hope that it brought some magic your way...and you were inspired as much as you offered inspiration in what your were sharing!
    Off to complete my deadline... 4 hours sleep is better than none... and visiting you the tonic to start my day well!
    my best wishes friend!

  11. seems that we're not having idle hands around

  12. sophie, i waited until sunday morning to know for sure i couldn't make it to brisbane! i will see you NEXT time! but it was a grand visit. i hope you can get enough sleep tonight.
    neki, hands are happy.

  13. Poor little critter. The stitching is wonderful. Do you sleep..even when there are no bats around?

  14. bryan, i missed your comment, and that little weasel is so beautiful. i sleep plenty!


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