Monday, December 3, 2012

circles, spheres, moons and a marsh

lately i seem to be seeing 
everything in globe or in line

 dyed silk
 charlotte's eggs
 pear and vermont brie
 moon nine patch
shifu moons
 lines at
upper and lower lakes


  1. silk ribbon looks gorgeous, the brie and pear, yummie and the moons! oh the moons. I too, have a jar of wooden spools.

  2. count on you for elegant imagery and the last "lines" just like your paintings

  3. The dyed silk and the shifu moons...heavenly. Nice to see I have company in going in circles. Ha!

  4. judy, i thought the silk look fine wound around that old spool
    jean, and that jar is pretty nifty, too, as it fills up. did you see the drawn on spools at the beginning of the film crumb?
    ms, thank you so much for that
    jennifer, jude, too... a coven of circlettes!

  5. Velma- The photo of the round of brie and pears made me laugh! Now I will forever think of brie as a full moon!

    The silk wound around the spool is beautiful as are your amazing pieces of work.--Julie

  6. see you more in the lines dept.
    the spools made my heart sing.

  7. "Homey" is the word that comes to mind.

  8. and dots form lines, and lines form paths, and paths form journeys - reach, and reaching...spheres, stars and an occasional moon.

  9. For me, the first image is perfect. All your 'gazing" and feeling through to the color and line in nature and life, it shows through your work. Your "Moons" glow an exceptional array of color and transfuse a captured light of all you gazing, through the weave.

  10. julie, the brie is a vermont moon!
    neki, i love those spools, definitely lines
    valerie, i guess that's how it is here
    henrietta, a cosmos in a drop of here
    m, it's always about fiber, woven or spun or meshed

  11. A delicious post, Velma and that silk ribbon is the most delicious of all!

  12. circles, warm and full of life your world is. xx

  13. penny, thanks. yes, i like th esilk, a gift from the wonderful marion at beautiful silks
    nancy, so many circles, warm and strong! thanks for noticing


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