Wednesday, August 18, 2010

news in the foothills

 cleaning the mill, clearing detritus, readying for work. i have thrown out oodles of stuff, fortunately it's all compostable so out went quantities of plant fibers saved for pulp, old dyestuffs, spiders. saved: daylily, poplar seed, rag (linen and cotton). last year i left a stack of felts dirty, and when i went out last spring to check out the mill, they disintegrated. they were old, all wool, i lost my very first ones (over twenty years old). clean your felts!!! hannah helped.
working on books in the house, and blithely cutting right into my left index finger. makes spinning kozo, er, interesting! 
the dusty apricot is kozo from the japanese paper place, the lavender is abaca
weather has turned, and it's absolutely beautiful. i'm ready to harvest dogbane, cattail for the class, and maybe a little more slippery elm, and that's all. i think.
shifu cover: sewing shifu to iowa case paper 
three sheets of morgan kozo paper=three small balls of spun paper. one ball woven into shifu 
there is a stirring of ideas beginning over at india's, a brew, and i encourage you to be in contact. if you have any interest in making marks and color on fabric or paper, be in touch. can you imagine what might happen? 
i got this for the mill, think i'll sell, too massive for my use. but cool. 


  1. my mother [who is a Reiki master] would tell you that cutting into your left index finger means that you are trying to excise a [possibly bossy] woman from your life.
    i would say that perhaps you were tired and it was time to stop working and have a gin. or three.

    and i'm impressed by the splash.

  2. we-ll, hannah is going off to grad school, but she's hardly bossy. she had fun cleaning that window!
    i like the gin idea.

  3. Wishing I was closer...I would provide a good home for those beauteous wooden drawers - way cool!

    I enjoy watching your paper transformations...

  4. the drawers are metal behind the oak faces! probably from a machine shop or hardware store.

    thanks, christi, paper IS transformation. grin.

  5. What a wonderful cabinet. How much do you want for it? Can you wait 'till Sept. 15th?

  6. ooooo...that lavender abaca is speaking to me...

    I a going to be in the north country Sept 24-26. Will the mill be "up and running" by then?

  7. the mill is almost ready now! drop me an email and we'll see if we can connect!

  8. too bad i'm across the pond:( for the drawers
    the dusty shifu is beautiful.
    (ps.india's link doesn't work)

  9. thanks, neki--i fixed the link i think

  10. i've started to bundle a few windfalls already, getting into practice...a magic brew of india's that will splatter across the whorl'd. your shifu is looking lovely...kaite

  11. funny, when i read about you cleaning the mill,
    i thought...oh, that would be help,
    sweeping, during the night when
    you slept and you would find it all clean in
    the morning and only have to arrange things...
    i don't usually have such thoughts....

  12. how sweet--until you saw the state of some of the buckets-yuck-but some, some have indigo and walnut in them!!!


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