Monday, December 13, 2010


keith smith binding learned from cathy tedford, i added trade beads
we're all managing in the *alternative* location. i suppose since we're an *alternative* ed program in an *alternative* location, we are now an *alternative alternative* g.e.d. program???

the day wasn't without stress, and i did get (mouthed, not audible) sworn at (fucking bitch), but all in all we did ok. i went to our building to pick up materials and was not happy to see no workers cleaning up.
but i got everyone's (who is expecting to get mail from me) stuff mailed this afternoon. came home and crashed. no yoga. it's snowing again. 
i was taking pictures of some old journal pages and thought you might like to see some of what i record. 
few *real* drawings. mostly thoughts and wee samples.
this one i really, really like, a bit of twined milkweed (or dogbane), gold braided waxed linen, and my favorite, walnut dyed kozo *knitted* on a spool ginny.
weaving drafts, dyeing samples, silk, cotton, old household textile ads, climbing pants shibori, yellow, floss, white tape, line drawing


  1. the last pic is heaven to me. xx

  2. LOVE how hard you work, how much you test, and how it's all laid out there in books and books. and more books! as for work...whew. you're handling it better than i ever could.

  3. sure you don't want to sub for me for a while?!
    if only it were laid out in books in some order that is intelligible. even manageable.

  4. why do i keep doing this? i write a good comment then lose it because i go back to take another look at something! love the title and the irony with various forms of managing in your subject matter.
    i haven't seen a Keith Smith binding before, tho i do know of his work of course, thanks for showing it.
    and my favourite pic is the one with the 3 lengths of string especially the knitted/braided kozo.

  5. oh, kaite, i do that! less often than i used to though. this is in, i think, book three.

  6. Wonderful books. The weaving draft page is so gorgeous.

  7. oooooh, more journals. more! more!
    and, teenagers keep us humble, I swear (and they swear)!

  8. I love seeing your journals here, and your honesty about crashing and no yoga after such a day of moments of stress.


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