Tuesday, March 30, 2010

morning moon

i saw the moon, not quite full, i think, but lovely this morning. i heard morning birds beginning, a rooster, a dog bark, briefly, a distant train (quite long, i think), the wind.
so i decided to play with the camera and this happened.
and then this. it happened by mistake, so then i pushed it some. etch-a-sketch in the sky.
robins are now singing. wishing you a very good day.


  1. ... and a very good day to you... I´ve been rather smitten with the nearly full moon, too...

  2. playing with the moon while robins wake. what could be a better morning exercise?
    raining so hard here.

  3. so close to full, and in libra! but i won't be able to see my moon b/c it is pouring here, too. yesterday the river completely disappeared into the fog.

    I LOVE the moon drawings--they reminded me so much of harold and his purple crayon.


be in touch!

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