Monday, November 26, 2012

quiet monday

 walking the moon

 and then back home:

i'm liking where this one is going
flax &
cotton paper
plant magic


  1. Mmm... me too.... and the moooon.

  2. i love all the magic brewing up there!! in the sky, in your hands, all of it.

  3. I love all your moon shots - today's are some of my favs.... and that book - oh my!

  4. valerie, yes, she was BIG
    aimee, a certain visitor really inspired me
    ronnie, she surprised me, i was looking at the remnants of dandelions, and glanced UP

  5. Hi again Velma, another shared papermakers question if you can answer: is your 'flax' paper fibre from the linen/linseed plant, Linum usitatissimum? It's lovely. Here I make linen/flax paper from recycled linen cloth as we can't grow the Linum plant, and my sheets look different to yours. Thanks and cheerio from Jenny in Australia.

  6. i have moon and book envy - these are wonderfully sublime. almost like the leaves were whispering the story that fills the space that they have left their impression on.and what they are saying is, "happy birthday....and more"

  7. jenny, the flax paper above is not my own, but i believe it is made from flax fiber in strick form, not linen rag, or n.z. flax. linen rag paper is definitely wonderful, but usually finer (in my limited experience)
    neki, thanks, there are now two moons-
    henrietta, gee, that's a lovely thing you wrote!
    m.c. never thought of it that way, but yes!


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