Saturday, November 24, 2012

snow day

wednesday evening sky over the meadow
thursday started out rough
not nearly enough sleep
wendy has some hard nights
and then so do i
 but on thanksgiving
we went out to the meadow
 and played
wendy, melissa, and me
 we gathered up some milkweed
stripped up a bunch while wendy played
can this be called spalted?
it was a glorious time 
before a small meal with just four of us
family and friends
simple food, wine, and conversation
we stayed up talking to all hours
melissa and i
and after a wonderful morning of talk and tea and more talk 
she took to the road for cleveland
unfortunately she encountered lake effect snow 
along the way.
which made its way to the north country today
a reminder 
of a bundle of cloth
and one of paper
we prepared and jarred up 
to be opened in a while
back in chicago.
and here in the north country
a gray day, but it looks like winter
has arrived.


  1. Glad for romping in fields with furry friends, and spalted milkweed, that was my first thought on seeing that image....

  2. Sounds like a lovely day!Hope you have a few more romps in the meadow before it gets too cold.

  3. Love seeing Melissa in your landscape! Yay for the wonderful visit.

  4. valerie, yes, spalted
    robyn, cold today and snow!
    aimee, oh, it was grand, we talked of many things!

  5. lovely day of giving thanks, not so sure about the snow - brrr.

  6. It was indeed grand! I'm home safe now and glad of that, but a big part of me wishes I was still there with you and Wendy, still talking! Hugs and hugs and hugs...

  7. jean, it's taking some getting used to!
    melissa, so glad the snow didn't slow you down too much and you're safe. we might have a thing or two to talk about next time?!


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