Sunday, March 6, 2011


i love this tree face that sort of guards my house.
saturday i drove into the mountains for lunch with family. 
it was raining all day and snow melted mostly away. 
other friends came early to plan some paper mill time, 
wedding paper plans.
 there were some sad surprises this weekend.
 hannah's flight was canceled, 
so she and ian did not get to spend the weekend together. 
 i'm trying to put together images for a talk, and for workshop gigs.
you know how hard it is to look and look at images...
how banal they all become, 
in spite of knowing they're fine, 
even good?
anticipating's snowing today. dreary.
a wonderful phone conversation, 
a good friend. 
a fine weekend.


  1. love your tree that guards your house, has a lot of character!

  2. ben said, "do you know what i don't miss?"
    i said, "afghanistan!"
    he said, "what else?"
    i didn't know and he said, "cleaning snow off of my car!"
    they got 3 inches today.

  3. i've been meaning to share the tree for some time!

    yes, that three inches is a pain, we lost much of the snow in yesterday's rain, but it's winter again.

  4. V-what an amazing tree - at first I thought it was a reflection in water - but a guardian - very good. Sad for Hannah - life and weather - so unpredictable. B

  5. oh, yes, barry, i see what you see, though i hadn't seen that before!


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