Monday, August 20, 2012


the land has turned her face towards autumn
this week,
i shut windows at night
to keep in the warm
wake to a chilly scarf
draped over my face
my open bedroom window
 reaching into the recent past
letting in the cool
so happy as summer winds down. 
 light and shade
on the hill meadow
where sheep and the mare called flame
used to pasture.
and smiling susans
today i have much to do
or nothing
as it pleases me.
i love rare days like this.


  1. I am also so happy for the cool, the chill, the shift out of fierce summer. Jealous of your day as i travel with commuters all week but mostly very happy for you! Enjoy it!

  2. aimee, may the travel be productive.

  3. I've been enjoying the cooler temps. Yesterday I had a group on retreat here - beautiful, sparkling day as we connected to the flowers in the garden and then went on a silen walk in the forest to "feel" it. I'm having one of those lovely days, too, today. My last week before school... so I'm gonna MILK it. ( hmmm, whatever that means!)

  4. enjoy your rare day, soak it in.

  5. valerie, oh, a retreat. how lovely! yes, this day is all ours!
    jean, i am!

  6. and down here we are turning our eager little white faces towards the sun. x te

  7. ... and on the other side of the pond thoughts are turning to spring..... mmmmmm can't come soon enough for this summer bunny!

  8. ronnie, bothyou and trace mentioned turning towards spring! yes. we're all turning it seems! autumn in th enorth country is beautiful indeed.

  9. looking forward to a few days in Maine early September
    a wonderful time of year

  10. then i shall miss you, i'm going later this week until next (if possible)

  11. today i have much to do or nothing
    as it pleases me

    What elegant images this creates...

  12. thanks, grace. turns out the morning was a blessing.

  13. turning yes. window open. crickets.

  14. we are all happy with the turning.
    it is a blessed time of year here in the north.


be in touch!

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