Monday, January 17, 2011

16 below zero

 weather report: just cold.
 clear night. frigid. bright. clear morning. 
 deeply cold.
sunny and clear and very, very cold.
i'll drive into the mountains today, the day is lovely, to see hannah off on a tiny plane. 
 lake clear to boston. second semester. 


  1. Brrr... Pasha kitty and I are hanging out by the fire this morning. He's all but given up on outside these days.

    Happy and safe travels to Hannah, and an inspiring semester. I start teaching on Weds. if the snow/sleet/rain that is predicted lets me.

  2. safe travels to you as well. her question this morning: is it too cold to fly? used to be cold like this all the time, not so much in the last few years.

  3. Safe travels to Hannah to Boston and to you on your trip to Lake Clear. I drove by there yesterday and it was beautiful and snowy. It was -23 in Saranac Lake this morning. Brrrr.

    I'm spending the day piled under afghans with two kitties to help keep me warm.

  4. Same temp here in Central Alberta (and at present, no wind to add chill)...travelling mercies to the airport. May your Hannah have a safe trip!

  5. safe travelling to both of you. Wonderful frost patterns. I'm giving thanks for rainy Victoria.

  6. blue cold, have a safe trip...k.

  7. ouch!!!but the first and last photos are gorgeous.

  8. Safe journey, and remember your thermals.

    I thought we had it cold here but your weather throws ours into a cocked hat!

  9. marilla-frozen pipe here, too. just the kitchen hot water. this morning, it's 30 degrees!

  10. It's crazy, isn't it? Such a quick rise in temperature. I hope you thawed your pipes as easily as I was able to.

  11. V- late at night after catching up Ken and Noela eating pasta and drinking wine so we could debrief on our last meeting regarding establishing an art factory in our town - last meeting on this particular building. Anyway as usual I digress - I just loved the detailed photo of the shifu paper weaving and of course the rusted spring in the snow. Thanks for sharing the images. Go well. B


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