Wednesday, January 26, 2011

teaching zines

today we started another six week block of afternoon art classes. i have only one or two students. so we can concentrate. today i worked with a very together young man. 
he only draws 'shrooms. 
so i introduced to him the origami book, making a simple book from a single sheet of paper. the cool thing about this? copy machines and 8.5 x 11 inch paper. 
and because aimee makes comics i like, i included a figure. my student got to work.
he went home with a handful of editioned zines, i demanded one (and got it!)
my dummy
his story. he placed a colophon on the last page. another zine maker!


  1. YAY!!! brilliant work. this makes me very happy.

  2. cool. i made bunch of these last year. i love them. little bundles of thought.

  3. Beautiful! Well done! =-)

  4. I hope this is the start of something wonderful for your student. great 'shrooms, amanita muscaria perhaps?

  5. aimee-me, too
    jude-nice. little bundles of thought
    melissa-i'll send you one
    jean-i think so, though people seem to live in his!

  6. Very cool Velma - great to see his imagination connect with the zine form and the creation of a 'book-let', of which he can be proud.

  7. fiona-todat he was still tickled about the zine. success!


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