Monday, May 23, 2011

more centering

i ate supper of potato salad in my car, 
watching and listening to the wind and the water on lake flower, 
in saranac lake.
and the sun shone out
in reminder
 i have a new splint to wear for four weeks. 
 it's hard to feel too sorry for yourself 
when these mountains are the constant backdrop here.
i love this town, 
it's quieter and secret compared to bawdy lake placid, 
where my doctor practices.
as i struggle
with acceptance and patience
i remember learning patience before.
is it always so damned hard?
good news:
i can teach this summer, and in all likelihood
no surgery.


  1. HOORAY!!! thank goodness. and LOVE that you got to sit out on the water. jealous. wish i was with you!

  2. Phew! And beautiful mountains.... I was just watching "Craft In America" and thought of you when a weaver used trader joe bags to make yarn to make a bag - shifu-like technique. Inspiring stuff! Happy healing!!

  3. ooo poor finger (still) but lovely mountains and water (such different landscape from my place here in oz.... its wonderful to experience it all without buying a plane ticket!)

  4. Good news. And yes a beautiful spot to be.

  5. Thanks for sharing some pictures of your mountains and the lake and your town - it looks a wonderful place to be and heal. Good news that the finger might repair without surgery - frustrating to be without movement for at least 4 more weeks. I'm thrilled it won't interfere with your teaching travels however - great excitement!

  6. What a gorgeous landscape.
    Sending healing wishes to your finger.
    And you're right, patience is damned hard.

  7. great!! beautiful lake beautiful mountains beautiful houses.

  8. thanks everyone, for the healing thoughts. it's such a tiny problem, i appreciate your thoughts. saranac lake is a beautiful town, but i live in a much more simple place, a little less wonderful, but lovely in it's ruggedness. however, i could live there! and it's a traditional healing town.

  9. tiny problems can change the scale of everything else. sometimes.

  10. What could be more healing than sunshine sparkling on water surrounded by raggedy woodlands and rounded mountain tops.

  11. I am so glad to hear that you will be able to teach and that no surgery is in your future. You were in one of my favorite places-where I hope to live someday if I can just sell this big, beautiful house. It truly is a healing place, for both body and soul.

  12. yeah! one day at a time and if it's all sunshine hopefully 4 weeks will pass quickly. be good and let the healing happen.

  13. jude, penny, marilla and jean, i know you all get it. saranac lake is a healing place in so many ways. a place out of time. jean, looks more and more like i'll really be in the pacific northwest this summer...

  14. i think the splint needs sequins to match the lake


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