Thursday, November 17, 2011


 "a cloth with the characteristics of dragonfly wings" 
describing basho-fu from 
mottainai: the fabric of life
this slim catalog is lovely, 
finely designed and square in the hand
with text in both english and japanese
from the current show at the portland japanese garden.
the co-curators are kei kawasaki and stephen szczepanek (sri textiles)
i would love to see this show.
 on today's walk
 the two calves in the front pasture
next door
were snoting and blowing and ripping and tearing
maybe it was the snow in the air.
wendy ignored them, but they were,
thinking she was a wolf!


  1. Oh, Wendy looks so incredibly SWEET!

  2. v, and most definitaly NOT a wolf (tell that to the calves)

  3. I love wendy's look! so typically border collie ('eejit calves think I'm a woooof... hee hee heee')

    that book is making my hands itchy....

  4. r, she is such a border collie, and now she's feeling well, full of beans. the book is quite lovely, small, finely done.

  5. wonderful picture of Wendy, she looks so healthy - must be spoofing those calves. I've ordered the catalogue - hasn't come yet - they charged more in postage than the cover value of the book. Had to think more than twice but just couldn't live without it.

  6. j, oh, too bad abou the high cost. it's very fine, though. i paid $10 for shipping, also VERY high.

  7. that fence is so shifu!
    i would love to see the portland show as well.

  8. lf, yes! i have a place to stay in portland, but it's a continent away.

  9. yes...nance was There and as she was telling
    me about it i knew i needed the catalog....
    i have it too. for me, it's the boro noragi

    and i left a comment below, but think it's lost, thanking you, no, THANKING YOU for
    showing me Marcel...just cannot love Marcel

  10. Lovely wolf Wendy - nice to see her smiling.
    I would love to see this show too - I have been to the garden - 7 years ago or so, toting my firstborn in a sling. I will have to look into getting the catalog too - thanks.

  11. Oh, I love the rock-book as the new blog header. Thank you for putting it up. And I am intrigued by the idea of fabric with the characteristics of a dragonfly wing--what a wonderfully evocative way to describe something I wish I could hold in my hands. And those snotty calves racing about as if your Wendy was a wolf. Playfulness and wildness rolled into one. A good beginning of the day... Blessings.

  12. grace, ahh, marcel, and the catalog is wonderful
    susan, thosw moments with baby slung close are so special. i climebed a mountain with my hannah when she was two weeks old.
    susan, hannah made it, the graphics part that it, ...i KNOW that cloth like a dragonfly wing is shimmery and light, delicate and well woven, suited to it's purpose.

  13. have to get hold of that catalog!! interesting, the photos carry that same look.
    good to see wendy sparkling


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