Sunday, November 20, 2011

inside the blue line

wendy loves this place
 do you see my girl?
she made two HUGE leaps, the kind i haven't seen 
her attempt for a year
since her diagnosos she has trouble 
jumping into the car.
it was a cool day, the water very cold
 i love this hemlock's new architecture

 i can look at it all day
 soon it will become the forest floor again
 two 13 year old dogs 
and their people walked into lampson's falls
 water is very low
 coal in the thin november light
 steep falls,
sometimes deadly
roots for saturday


  1. (sigh), so beautiful.

    (I love Wendy's face in the last blog)

  2. me, too! loved wendy's face last time. and love seeing more pictures of her, hardy, herself. your outing and the images, so magical. i can see how this keeps you sane and healthy amidst all the rest of life that is not so lovely. i wish i could jump in, too, but i imagine the water is COLD.

  3. melissa, wendy is a little miracle for me every day. she is so happy lately!
    aimee, i laughed to think of you in the water! it's amazingly cold! wendy had so much fun yesterday, today, she's snoozing!

  4. Oh we live in such a beautiful place!!! Hi Wendy!!

  5. cait, woof! i've ridden into lompson's several times.

  6. so many great images. and the face in the hemlock. images 8 and 10 baffle me (coal...and roots...). i see them in so many different ways. probably none of them as they really are. wendy does look happy.

  7. deanna, 8-coal colored river and 10 is a wonderful root-map

  8. so lovely to see wendy full of doggy high spirits

  9. Well, you might know by know how I feel about roots, and hemlocks and Wendy, how wonderful. She looks well. I once read that it takes about the same time for a tree to decompose back into the earth as it took it to grow, can you imagine? I mean, that tree looks old. It will be rotting for a long time. I could also sit and look at that all day....

    60 degrees here today, yikes! But I got the LAST bit of wood in the shed... that is OTHER than the wood that was cleared for the new studio. That might sit there a season, we'll see. In the meantime, the most crucial fall work is done.

  10. ronnie, she's so much herself again.
    valerianna, yes, that spot is full of hemlock, which i know from personal experience is dense, heavy wood. (i was on a team that moved a bunch of felled hemlock by hand-14 per tree)

  11. a, google translate tells me you wrote I like the roots ... what strength! and i so agree! i wish i did not have to use the translator, but alas.

  12. V-good to see Wendy so active; loved the last photo of the exposed tree roots - nature weaving.B

  13. barry, thanks! i didn't think about weaving...of course!

  14. Oh, yes, can just feel Wendy's joy.
    And love the hemlock as well as those last roots too...I see weaving too.

  15. Lovely to see photos of your precious Wendy at play...
    what a wonderful area you call much to observe and be familiar with Velma.
    Finally back and starting to make progress with communications...a big hello!

  16. Great to see Wendy enjoying the water. It must have made your day!

  17. penny, YES!
    sophie, welcome home! i am looking forward to seeing more about your trip. and come here someday, it's amazing.
    robyn, it was cold and i was shocked by her enthusiasm which is back to normal!


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