Tuesday, August 14, 2012

everyday things

 tess prefers comfort
she makes her own, actually
 wendy prefers 
contrast in the garden
 st john's wort and goldenrod
for dyeing
my one hollyhock meets lawn mower
 ghost rust moons
maybe finished?
maybe not--
‘Remember only this one thing,’ said Badger. ‘The stories people tell have a way of taking care of them. If stories come to you, care for them. And learn to give them away where they are needed. Sometimes a person needs a story more than food to stay alive.’ 
(Barry Lopez)
(thank you susan for reminding me of this quote,
a favorite from Crow and Weasel)


  1. velma, your piece is delish.
    stories become our main transport as we age. ultimately they can be the one thing we have to give.
    thank you for opening that thought up.

  2. nancy, stories are HUGE even the tiny ones.

  3. Your new piece is beautiful.
    As is that quote.

  4. and everyone has their own story which is really only given away to the care of others
    when we pass on
    until then
    it is our responsibility, i think, to make sure it is as good and satisfying a story as possible.

  5. I love that last quote..... and the happy look on wendy's face! - which is a story in itself

  6. india, you're a fine storyteller yerself--ven zat accent comes out we know we're in for a little carnival ride. though, seriously, you're right.
    ronnie, wendy knows some stories, huge with happiness and sometimes way too sad. she has them, has heard them, has comforted people bearing sad ones.

  7. Which ever way you go with the cloth, it looks wonderful right now (may this be a comma or period in it's story!)
    My dear friend shared that quote, then the book with me years ago. I ended up making her a quilt with the quote on it & she ended up giving me the book. A fair trade indeed :) I have shared it with so many as I love the story itself and the artwork is unbelievable!!! I was happy to see it here :)
    And I was a bit saddened by your one hollyhock. I am unreasonably drawn to the simple lengthy beauty of hollyhocks!

  8. nancy, when i found that book i gave it to my son, then i bought one for me. i teach it, too. i love hollyhocks, too, and only one happened this year (despite my planning). and now it's no more.

  9. love the quote. and always wonder if my stories come through in my work.

  10. V- I reckon dogs and cats have it all worked out. Love the way rust leaves its subtle gifts. Go well B

  11. neki, a good pondering for all of us...
    barry, from the man of rust himself!

  12. Such a beautiful piece Velma. A slow cloth of stories ...

  13. robyn, thank you. when i first read what you wrote i saw "a slow cloth of stones".

  14. I love your cloth story, your quote, which is a very ancient rooted idea we are all charged to keep--but above these tess took my heart.

    Its past noon and my old dog is yet to rise for breakfast... dreaming a new route i suppose.

  15. m, tess does that! she's a sweetie. wendy dislikes her on principal because i pay a little attention to her. wendy is sleeping much more, too.

  16. that stitchery is so energetic. i bet the making of it was so absorbing.

  17. lf, last night i picked up the needle and some silk/cotton thread and stitched some more. apparently i'm hooked!

  18. got to your blog from my friend Glennis' reference at http://windingthread.blogspot.com.au/ and I am intrigued by 'maybe finished, maybe not"
    what is it - is it a tapestry with paper somehow worked in? lovely texture.
    hooroo to the adirondacks from down under in oz (see beginner me at weirdwefts.com )

  19. welcome misha, the piece is a stitched piece on dyed cotton prgandy, a sampler, a map or sorts. funny you should mention tapestry-i wove many tapestries!

  20. loving your stitching velma
    maybe you ARE hooked :)

    after all

    if it feels right , don't think twice

    okay a little line from james taylor there...

  21. roz, thanks for james, one of my favorites, and i actually went to a concert once. i used to sing his songs to my kids when they were in the frontpack.

    i love this stitching, almost ready to start another (well, i have two but they're not calling me, yet)

  22. i went to a concert to back in the 70's too.loved it.
    i always remember that he wore no shoes on the stage ..for a girl with my upbringing, that was totally outrageous!

  23. my concert wasn't until the mid 80's, post carly simon, and he was balding. but oh, so sweet his singing.


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