Tuesday, October 18, 2011

falling into winter

locking time is near
the land will harden
the puddles freeze
 snow flurries 
what happens here:
wood cutsplitstacked 
bales stowed near barns
wool unpacked
socks by pairs or double pairs.
outside is a place to visit
while keeping the core warm, warm
i sleep under down
inside flannel
and downstairs
my elderly wendy
sleeps so deeply
miles to work and home.
back to real life
wendy, walks, being
right here.
yesterday, she brought me her ball to play
today, she loped for almost a mile.
not one staggered step.


  1. grace, yes. poetry in your words and that image of the barn, wow. this present is precious, and you're living it with wendy.

  2. ^;^ = : ) .......!

    translation: happy critter = happy person ...!

    I had a fun walk in a field of hay bales yesterday. They were plopped around the field like animals. I love their spinning, spiraling texture.

  3. ...and here today we enjoyed a lazily warm day.... bright, fragrant, energising, delightful... the first real hint of summer to come...

  4. aimee, i am learning to be more present than ever
    valerianna, my mare flame used to be afraid of them. dragons and monsters
    ronnie, lovely, it's time, isn't it?

  5. V-winter closes in stealthily and we bunker down. Good to see Wendy out and about. Beautiful photo of the patchwork barn wall. Go well B

  6. that barn is on my route to work and i FINALLY remembered to photograph it.

  7. Ahhhh, Wendy...good to see her happy in the field, Velma. We certainly are wrapped in blankets at night and I've started the woodstove more than once. I love the changes throughout the year. Dommie has decided to accept those strange round critters in the fields!

  8. the colors, the barn textures, the shape of the bales repeating.an old friend.that's graceful living being lived gracefully.

  9. cait, it's up and down with wendy--today's a down day, she's really quiet. maybe tired?
    neki, i don't feel too graceful, just moving through

  10. fabulous photos, all of them, dramatic and powerful. we are experiencing an "Indian summer" although the experts argue that it isn't going to last long enough to technically fit the term - lovely anyhow.


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