Friday, July 13, 2012

friday/a small spinner

i'm not really sure how many hours i was traveling,
about 35 air/airport hours, anyway
i was in zombie mode yesterday
unpacked and smelled the lovely 
australia/eucalypts that dyed so much
in my three weeks
 while i was gone
i went to town for a few groceries after my 5-7 pm nap
wendy is well, aging, but so happy to see me.
her person said she had a "spell" while i was gone.
but recovered
 a blessing:
in my email there was a lovely note
from one of my in the ecotone students, rosie.
who braved the workshop chill
with layers and fingerless gloves (it was cold)
her daughter has taken to shifu!
she is so engaged in this process
these photos touched my heart
i'm so happy that
little radha has joined the motherline of spinners
and weavers


  1. How beautiful and heart-touching.

  2. ms., i was in awe of rosie and her lovely daughter. and so proud!

  3. it is lovely to see a person any age that knows the value of working with nature's processes and passing them on instead being removed from nature they become part of it...she glows.

  4. oh such a wonderful outcome. you never know how far your teaching travels beyond your students.

  5. valerie, my heart was full: this little spinner
    henrietta, i suspect she has great guidance and care...
    deanna, you're absolutely right.

  6. was hoping you would make it to Sydney Velma but good to see your home, it is a b...y long flight & Melbourne is cold in winter even for a Canadian!

  7. welcome home! i can't believe you're already back, though i know it has been an experience much richer and deeper and consequential than the quantifiable time (minutes, hours, days) you were actually there. so glad wendy recovered and that you are together again. a child making shifu, oh my!!

  8. beautiful child, she is so absorbed in her work - fills me with hope for the future. Happy to hear you are safely home and Wendy is well.

  9. mo, i did see some frost on the grass at hanging rock, but it was dark which somehow surprised me!
    aimee, i am so excited about that girl!
    jean, we are well but HOT today!

  10. glad to see you're home safe and sound (and that all is good in your world) I love the mini-spin pics..... how adorable is that!

  11. Hi Velma
    I have just had a look at your blog and the pictures. It certainly was a wonderful experience and I am glad I learned Shifu. The three days flew and we were a happy , absorbed group. I put a few pictures on my online tapestry group and was amazed at the reaction. I have not done much since then as I am snowed under with homework; but I plan to. Gald you arrived home safely.

  12. A safe journey, home, and a young inspired spirit...lovely.

  13. well you know what the Jesuits say...give us the child for the first seven years and we've got it for life!

    lovely pix.

  14. All the way across the great pond, you've planted a wonderful seed into the Future here. So beautiful really, teaching.

  15. Wonderful pictures and stories. Have been thinking about how you are feeling after having traveled between two seasons.

  16. christine, feeling great yesterday, this morning having a re-hash of jet lag


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