Thursday, November 27, 2014

by the crooked tree, thanks

by the crooked tree:
this is a place keeper, 
a marker pose,
a surprise old life glorious on a ridgetop.
this is your landmark,
 this crooked tree.
 this is the land 
all horizontal ridges that herringbone down to a meadow
bordered in by beaver
outlet under the roadway.
 this is the place
i will learn to call home. 
 streams bisecting the land 
stitching a crazy quilted pattern of rock and spruce and maple and juneberry
 lichen and virginia chain fern 
and cardinal flowers in july.
the streams trace outlines that the deer follow
bucks serious about finding breeding does
and the cold water splashes on and on.
past a little friend,
almost in the middle here.
 hairy woodpecker will tell you the facts:
there's no such thing as free lunch.
and everyone give thanks.
as do i.


  1. Grateful for you, Velma, and your lovely, life-giving thoughts & photos.

  2. So beautiful, these photos and the post before ... the wonders of winter ... Here in the UK it's only grey and brown tail-end-of-autumn.

  3. a cold patchwork of muted colours. Happy Thanksgiving, Velma.

  4. oh, bonnie, i am grateful you read this
    cs, it's tail end of autumn here, too, but we're in the north country...
    jean, many thank

  5. Looks like good land to belong to :)

  6. it is the kind that many overlook, but there are riches. rough and beautiful

  7. These are lovely posts V.
    The snow duster waters remind of childhood exploing. Happy Thanksgiving.

  8. m, what beautiful childhood memories, if these remind you.....

  9. love seeing the beauty of your wild cold place

  10. Such a lovely wild place... these photos make me smile...

  11. I have areal feel for the land around youV , form your poetic descriptions. It feels like a great place to call home.

  12. fiona, thank you for these wonderful words


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