Tuesday, April 27, 2010

sunny day, snowy day

mother nature is a joker...and beautiful, nonetheless. i have a sunburn from working outside all day yesterday with my students and fellow staff at bittersweet farm. a great day and then during the night the wind picked up. when i got up, the world was white. 


  1. I find that absolutely amazing!!!! Coming from Perth, Western Australia where we don't get snow at all.
    Absolutely amazing!!!!

  2. i can't imagine no snow at all, but i also can't imagine, really imagine, the other side of the world. how i would like to see your part of the world!

  3. high of 80 this saturday...

  4. i LOVE the joking. it made me suddenly remember coming back to ft drum after dropping ben at syracuse airport and calling you while watching the snow come DOWN. and waking up to ALL THAT SNOW all over the car.

  5. wow! snow at the end of april...

  6. From one extreme to the other. Your weather is incredible. It is gradually getting colder here as we get closer to winter, but our changes are usually gradual.



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