Thursday, January 1, 2015

one thousand

a new day/year
milkweed seed fiber becoming paper:
i made my first sheets of milkweed paper
doing the gathering out back (on skis)
stripping fiber in my kitchen 
sheetforming in the mill, using the tororo aoi i'd grown,
(that mill called wake robin)
it was about 27 years ago.
and these days?
well i wander some
for pattern
 and meaning and something a bit hard to catch.
and today i sit here
bundled up and listening to the wind gusting with new snow.
i ponder with astonishment
i am here, still, writing into the ethers.
the one thousandth time.
thank you all for coming over to visit.
wouldn't it be grand to sit down together
for tea and conversation?
take a walk in my woods
looking for little miracles?
wild apples, perhaps?


  1. congratulations on 1000 - that's quite a commitment. it would be wonderful to find a miracle together. stay warm.

  2. heike, thank you!
    jean, of course it would!

  3. oh, such gratitude that you started this journey with us and stay on it! the milkweed turning back into paper on its way back to the land is such a perfect picture to start the year.

  4. It would indeed. I grew up in SW Quebec, not that far away...but now live many thousands of miles north and west...congratulations on 1,000 posts, and blessings for the new year!

  5. Pattern, pattern everywhere. I accept with pleasure your kind invitation to tea. Enjoying a cup right now. We are together. A good year to you.

  6. watch out we might all manage to get there.

  7. Oh my the 1000th time ... Extraordinary ... and to think I've only just found you. I have some catching up to do for sure!

  8. 27 years
    1000 posts
    such milestones
    i love this time when there has been enough to look back on and still enough to look forward to ..

  9. It would be a grand adventure to be there with you drinking tea and wandering. Congrats on making it this far. x te

  10. aimee, yes, that milkweed...we keep growing and changing, don't we?
    margaret, quebec is just a holler away (more or less), and thank you
    alice, yes, pattern, and tea! i'm putting on a BIG pot!
    jude, my place is pretty big...
    cs, just start from here, there's so much detritis back there!
    roz, good perspective, roz, and tea. always tea. (during the day)
    trace, it would be indeed. thanks.

  11. Am still after that "something a bit hard to catch" myself ...
    and yes - it would ;>]

  12. christi, keep looking because "the journey is the destination". yes!

  13. Indeed, Velma, indeed !
    ... and heaven is in the details, looking up, or looking down, even into potholes and gorgeous tire tracks.

  14. christi, looking, always, with a certain kind of wonder, be it frozen mud or a new kind of paper!

  15. Ah Velma - the thousandth! How special. I am sitting here in a thunderstorm - singlet and shorts and hot and wondering just what it would be like to wander your woods right now...
    Thanks for taking us along on so many wanders and showing us wonder...

  16. a good year to you.patterns, papers,hooligans, new home.i might drop by for that cup of tea.

  17. fiona, it's back to being cold AND snowy (thank goodness) and you might need a few more layers and boots for a walk down by the beaver construction site
    neki, ok!
    happy new year all!

  18. ...when i found your blog i still was not used to living so far out in the helped me begin to see with new eyes the beauty of the bits and pieces of nature that emerge in the gray rainy and overcast days of winter here in the PNW...thank you...may the new year bring you all the best...

  19. May you continue to post for a thousand more and beyond. Happy New Year Velma!

  20. fran, that's a fine compliment. i remember as a youngster trying to figure out if nature, all of nature, was beautiful or ugly...i seem to have always been a little in love with it ALL.
    chris, thank you and to you, my dear

  21. I love going for these walks with you in the North Country albeit virtually, thank you for sharing!

  22. mc, thank you so much, it's a lovely place to hike

  23. It would be quite wonderful to have tea and conversation, or a walk in the woods. Congratulations on your 1000, and happy new year to you!

  24. Make mine a coffee and I'll be there. I look forward to following your doings in 2015.
    From a wet, grey Suffolk in England preparing for the adventure that takes me to Northern Germany via the North Sea tonight, docking at the Hook of Holland early tomorrow morning. Clocks will be adjusted, camera will be ready and woodcuts and lino prints will follow!

  25. Tea or coffee or glass of wine or simply water would be wonderful to sit and share. 1,000 is a grand number. Here's to 1,000 more!

    Happy 2015!

  26. it is so nice to share your part of the country . even if its 3000 miles away . that would be quite a journey for a cup of tea ! heck i would even bring the tea !
    thank you for your shares .

  27. min, there's coffee in the house and a french press. i can promise no more! yay for your trip!
    jennifer, wine sounds good, too. the drink is to stay hudrated b/c of all that talking!
    kathy, very welcome!

  28. A most momentous number 1000 is ... I'd doff my hat to you if I had one, but my humble congratulations will have to do

  29. liz, thanks. it's a LOT of posts, isn't it?

  30. Hi V - 1000 that is amazing - thank you for taking us on a journey through your art and land - it makes it all the more real given we have met and shared a glass of wine. Hope to see you again when you trek to Australia. Go well, be well and create well in 2015. B

  31. barry, i was thinking of that miracle (you and fiona came to see me!) meeting in melborne when we enjoyed a great evening.

  32. Congrats on one thousand, and happy 2015 to you

    I look forward to seeing what you do next!


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