Thursday, August 23, 2012

a different time

today's issue of HAND EYE 
has a little article by me.
lots of color: green!
late summer color
 i've been much in the kitchen
and the yard
paper drying on window,
screen behind
 and from the freezer
last springs color 
the bundle looked hopeless 
but was a surprise 
new work for japan
bloodroot and violet
this was left behind
  on the printing matter,
viola, bloodroot, wild rose
wendy's in this world
resting, mostly.
your words
support us in a sail of caring.


  1. Looks interesting, everything... - and good thoughts to Wendy...

  2. wowowowow! this made me so happy when i checked in during class.

  3. glad you are keeping busy. the HandEye article is great, am off to cut and freeze some day lily leaves. I knew if I hung out with you long enough I'd have to make some paper!

  4. heike, thank you. wendy barked today, but is so weak.
    aimee, yes, adjusting somehow
    jean, you can dry them or cut and freeze or cut and cook and freeze. maybe too wet in your climate for reasonable drying.

  5. lovely article over at HandEye.

    beautiful pics here, too.

    a gentle hug for sweet Wendy-girl.
    you too.

    so hard to just be still and loving and let them do what they must.


  6. Saw that article! Great step by step and these photos are beautiful. You will remember these days of making and waiting. So many are waiting with you and sending healing peaceful thoughts your way.

  7. treena, thank you. you're right about letting it be.
    nancy, that was written a while ago (i think published, too) so it's good to hear positive feedback. this waiting is teaching me.

  8. Congratulations on your article, Velma. I'm going to have to make a cuppa and take time to enjoy it properly. And hugs to you re: your pooch, Wendy. My kitten (13 weeks), Pookie, disappeared during a storm on Tuesday; 48 hours of panic, and then a 'Missing' poster was seen by the kind folks who'd rescued her and brought her home. So I understand how the breath catches in the throat when you fear what seems to be the worst....but however this plays out with Wendy, she knows she is and will always be loved.

  9. Bravo to you! It's about time someone wrote about you, I'll have to get a copy of the magazine. Hugs to you for Wendy.

  10. christine, it's just a how-to written by me and it's on-line, so it's free! hugs accepted!


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