Tuesday, August 28, 2012

color and pattern

wendy is stalking the house today,
looking out windows,
needing attention,
she's not exactly full of beans
but she's better.
i'm thinking of a trip down east with her for a few days.
 this little leaf, a remnant from a dye bundle
 came into my kitchen on my shoe
and left on the breeze.
 there's that burdock sphere
 last night
 also last night
yes, i like the jittery photo best
bloodroot and violet
from the present project


  1. i could not have parted with that beautiful leaf.

  2. deanna, i saw this and ran out to see if i could find it, but no. i would have sent it to you.

  3. Wendy is amazing, she doesn't want to drift away like the leaf. the burdock sphere is beautiful.

  4. deanna, !!!
    jean, you always see connections, so perceptive!

  5. Wow, that Wendy really is somethin'...

    Totally SMITTEN with the bloodroot and violet cloth! Like seeing the scale of the burdock ball. Pasha often brings me leaves attached to his fur. And lately, LOTS and lots of sticky nicotiana flowers, and hemlock needles are everywhere... but the tattered leaves are my favorites. Happy travels!

    ha, my robot word is "oWLance"... which I think must mean when an owl visits, its an owlance... you've been owlanced. I especially like the placement of higher case letters. Funny that I like musing about this crazy things....

  6. valerie, thank you! i got burdock picks in the last round of application. i'm done! owl magic!

  7. 'red sky at night - sailors delight' --- may wendy continue to sail on gentle breezes -- (just like the found ex-dye leaf eh?)

  8. ronnie, we did have rain this morning, but then it cleared into a glorious day, and wendy, she spent the day up and around and mildly frisky. unbelievable.

  9. "she's better"- those are lovely words.
    beautiful violet in that cloth & sky

  10. o, i think so, too. she's diminished, but oh, so much better! gla dyou loke these colors!

  11. the leaf looks like it has been imprinted w silkworms!!

  12. So glad dog goes better...love your blog

  13. neki, yes!
    yvette, she's amazing, though frail

  14. I love the bloodroot and violet cloth, nice colours.


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