Friday, August 24, 2012


 music of the sphere
wendy walks, drinks, responds
i stay home.
and out there in the world
people, politicians argue about rape.
forcible rape/rape?


  1. a burdock ball-how cool!
    are you going to make paper with it?

    Poor sweet glad you can stay with her and give love and comfort.
    This year has SUCKED for losing loved ones. Seems like everyone I know has lost a someone. Making me a little anxious.

    Wish those idiots would educated themselves once and for all about rape. The Flat Earth Society is apparently alive and well...

    Best wishes for a gentle time with Miss Wendy. It's so hard. XOXO

  2. Oh begone idiots of the world, Be well Wendy, be prolific burdock and roll on past all the sorrows and stupidities! My love to you.

  3. petrena, i'm sure there's fiber, but no! john mcqueen made a large burdock vessel, and i've always wanted to. one plant.
    flat earth. flat heads.

  4. When my darling dog passed, I opened a window to let his spirit fly free and pressed my face into his neck and whispered a thousand thank yous for his life with me. My thoughts are with you.

  5. many thanks, jacqui, and that's a lovely thing you did for your guy.

  6. dogs - even tired and old ones - are smarter than most folk it seems these days...

  7. ms. that burdock can rool on...and i'm learning.
    ronnie, yes. i just wish we spoke the same language, no, i wish she could use english once in a while...

  8. Little Charlie sends his love to Wendy.

  9. burdock here as well. idiots too.

  10. what a beautiful ball.

    can it keep?

    what is there to argue about?

    Ever? Sometimes you know you belong on a different culture. Its not a philosophy or a theory!!!! I don't have tv so don't even know what it references anymore.

    Wendy understands. Bless.

  11. Thoughts for Wendy and you, Velma, from another dog lover. Jenny in Australia.

  12. Yes idiots...forceable rape as opposed to...


    So sad about the Count...Loved him for my kids.

  13. Thanks for the Wendy update... you're on my mind a lot.

    Political stuff going on- I feel that I just must be from a different human pool... and now I see that Obama just appointed the head lobbyist of Monsanto to the FDA... I'm deflated... and politicians are talking about "legitimate rape" being something different than... than what?

    Crazy and crazy making.

    Love your burdock ball... not so fun to untangle from Pasha's belly, he gets into it once a week or so.

    Blessings to you all.

  14. kaite, thanks, charlie
    jude, they do go together
    m, we'll see, no tv here, either
    thank you jenny
    nancy and cait, yucky politics
    valerie, that's bad news


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